Manchester City Library

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Pesky Due Date Slips and Other Interesting Tidbits to Help You Avoid Fines

March 23rd, 2013 · No Comments · Books, City Library, Main Branch, West Branch

Don’t you hate it when you lose a sales receipt and you only can get a store credit instead of getting your money back? I would guess that you experience a similar feeling when you realize that you have misplaced, had the dog chew, or had your son/daughter make your date due slip into an airplane and sail it out the window of your car. Well, here are two ways to circumvent the due date blues. Our computer system now has the capability to send you an e-receipt every time you check out or renew materials. Here is an example of the information provided on an e-receipt for materials you have just checked out:
Even better when you renew materials, this is what you receive via email:
If this appeals to you, the next time you visit the library visit the circulation desk and ask library staff to set you up to receive e-receipts. The other thing to do, if you have lost your date due slip, is to log on to your account via the library catalog and look at your account online. The due dates for everything you have checked out on your account will appear there.
Some tips for accessing your account and navigating a renewal:
• Use your 14 digit barcode on your library card and your password to access your account online.
• Your default password is set up at the time you get your library card. It is the last 4 digits of the phone number you provided us at that time. Unless you have accessed your account and changed this number, it remains as the default password.
• You can opt to set up a username so you do not have to use your barcode to log in to your library account, if you are not a numbers aficionado. Just click on the link under the field to enter your barcode that says “Create a username”.
• If you forget your password, just click on the link under the password field that says “Forgot your password?” The system will send you an email to refresh your memory.
• So how do you renew or double check your due dates? Once you are in
your account on the right hand side of the screen under My Record, click on Items out. There you will see everything checked out on your account as well as their due dates and the available renewals.
• If there is no square out in front of an item checked out on your account, it means there are no renewals available, because other customers are waiting for the title. The “Renewals Left” column on the right hand side of the screen will have a 0 in it as well.
In the “Due Date” column which appears to the left of the “Renewals Left” column, you will find due dates for everything checked out on your account.
If an item is overdue, the due date will appear in red.
Hopefully these nuggets of information will help you with future checkouts and renewals. If you have questions or problems, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

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