Manchester City Library

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MCL $5 Bag Book Sale – April 20th

April 20th, 2013 · No Comments · Book Sale, Books, City Library, Events, Main Branch, Museum Passes, News

Help Manchester City Library cap off National Library Week by coming to the $5 Bag Book Sale on April 20th, from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM.  The great bargains will be available in the Winchell Room, on the lower level of the library.  All proceeds from the sale goes to programs and projects at Manchester City Library.

Bring your own bags to fill up.  It will only cost $5 per average size grocery bag (cloth or paper) with sale materials that you have selected from the 8000 plus items available.  Bags that are larger than the average grocery size bag will cost more, depending how much larger the bag is.  No garbage bags or trash bags are allowed.

There are fiction and non-fiction books available for all ages including large print books. There are also VHS tapes, DVDs, musical odds and ends; including Long Playing 33 1/3 records. You just never know what you will find in this sale!

Please contact Eileen A. Reddy at [email protected] or by phone at 624-6550 ext. 319 (Information Desk), if you have any questions.


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