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The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton

June 22nd, 2013 · No Comments · Book Group, Book Sale, Books, City Library, Events, Main Branch

A foundling, an old book of dark fairy tales, a secret garden, an aristocratic family, a love denied, and a mystery. The Forgotten Garden is a captivating, atmospheric and compulsively readable story of the past, secrets, family and memory from the international best-selling author Kate Morton. The secrets of an abandoned child are unraveled by her granddaughter years after her death and it is a very exciting and enjoyable adventure of discovery.

To cap off the Brown Bag Book  Club’s reading year, the Club will be reading The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. This is the last meeting for this Book Club before they break for a summer hiatus.  So plan to join us on June 25th at 12:15, and bring your lunch, as we discuss The Forgotten Garden and say ‘hello’ to summer.  For more information contact Information Dept. at 624-6550 ext. 319.

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