Manchester City Library

Manchester, NH's Online Library

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Happy Fourth of July!

July 3rd, 2013 · No Comments · Children, City Library, Events, Main Branch, News

flag day displayManchester’s Independence Day Celebration will be held on the evening of July 3rd at 6pm in Arms Park, Downtown Manchester.  The park will close to vehicular traffic at 6:00pm.  Commercial Street will be restricted to pedestrians only beginning at 8:00 PM.  Entertainment will be provided by the 39th Army Band beginning at approximately 7:30 PM and will play into the beginning of the fireworks.  The fireworks display, provided by Atlas PyroVision Productions, will begin at dusk (approximately 9:30 PM).  Food and beverage vendors will be available on site beginning at 6:00 PM, but you’re welcome to bring your own.  No alcoholic beverages will be allowed.  No pets please, and admission is free.

Both the East and West bound spans of the Notre Dame Bridge (Bridge Street Bridge) will be closed to traffic at 8:00am.  The rain date (fireworks only) is scheduled for Friday, July 5, 2013.

The libraries will be closed on Thursday, July 4th, in observance of Independence Day.  The main branch will resume normal operational hours and open at 8:30 AM on Friday and the West Branch will open at 9:30 AM on Friday.

See you at the fireworks!

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