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End of Summer (almost…)

August 21st, 2013 · No Comments · Books, Children, City Library, E-Books, Main Branch, Teens


This morning I was working at my desk doing one off my “off desk” projects, and I kept hearing a loud commotion going on outside in the nearby park.  So I finally got up and peeked out the window to see what was going on, and much to my surprise, I saw this!  Our fire department was helping some of our youngest residents cool off on one of the last hot days of summer.  I wished I’d brought my swimsuit, because I would have joined them on my coffee break.

Summer is not over yet!  And to that end, here are a few new and interesting good reads for you to take along with you when you head out to the beach, the lake, or your back yard hammock.  Most of these are available in multiple formats, including downloadable e-books & audiobooks, books on CD or large print.

Kiss Me First by Lottie Moggach is a fine psychological thriller.
Visitation Street by Ivy Pochada will draw you into a New York neighborhood to unravel a mystery.
Red Sparrow by Jason Matthews is a fine spy novel with a lady spy who will keep you on your toes!
If you just can’t let go of school, the perhaps Winger, by Andrew Smith, will fit the bill.
Sisterland by Curtis Siffenfeld involves twin sisters who view their psychic gift very differently.
If you like historical fiction then you might like The Blood of Heaven by Kent Wascom.
A Constellation of Vital Phenomena by Anthony Maara shares a love story in wartime Chechnya.
Lastly, And the Mountains Echoed, by the supreme story teller,  Khaled Hosseini, will make your cares fall away for a little while.

‘A story is like a moving train: no matter where you hop on board, you are bound to reach your destination sooner or later.’ -Khaled Hosseini.

Remember, whether you are needing a good book, new music, e-books, or books on CD, we are happy to be a part of your end of summer plans!

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