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Contra Dancing in New Hampshire Then and Now

September 20th, 2013 · No Comments · City Library, Events, Main Branch

laufmanSince the late 1600s, the lively tradition of contra dancing has kept people of all ages swinging and sashaying in barns, town halls, and schools around the state. Contra dancing came to New Hampshire by way of the English colonists and remains popular in many communities, particularly in the Monadnock Region. Presenter Dudley Laufman brings this tradition to life with stories, poems, and recordings of callers, musicians, and dancers past and present. Live music, always integral to this dance form, will be played on the fiddle and melodeon. Willing audience members may be invited to dance the Virginia Reel! Plan to join us for this fun program on Thursday, October 3rd at 7 PM. This program is made possible by a grant from the New Hampshire Humanities Council. For more information, contact Yvonne at 624‐6550. humanities


See you at the contra dance!

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