Manchester City Library

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Volunteer Extraordinaire

November 7th, 2013 · No Comments · City Library, Local History, Main Branch, NH Room

Janice Koch, our New Hampshire Room volunteer for twenty-two years, has decided to retire.  You may have met Janice clipping newspapers or stamping material to be filed in the vertical files.  When she began in 1991 she spent a half day per week keeping up with the daily papers. Things changed in publishing and Janice ended her service not having so much to clip due to the Internet. 

But Janice didn’t change. One of her best traits was she was fussy.  The clippings had to be just so to pass her rules. She used the library tape and staples but not the scissors!  She brought her own scissors.  She checked each clipping for the proper date, page and column.  Articles continued on another page annoyed her and any mistakes I made were caught and returned to me to be corrected. It was a great system.

The New Hampshire Room will not be the same without Janice.  Neither will my life there. I could always count on Janice to come in and begin to work, especially when I was busy with a patron.  We would discuss tracing family history or new books we had read and most of the time we agreed about our likes and dislikes. 

We wish you all the best, Janice, and look forward to your future visits to the library!  

Cynthia O’Neil

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