Manchester City Library

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Are You Curious? Get Ready for Fizz, Boom, Read!

June 4th, 2014 · No Comments · Ages 2-3, Ages 4-5, Ages 6-13, Books, Children, City Library, Events, Summer Reading Program


14142420422_aaccc1a489Are you curious? Most people are, and nearly all kids are, especially when given a little encouragement! Finding answers to all of life’s “whys”and “hows” and the observations that lead to these questions is what science is all about! Explore and celebrate the ordinary wonders of everyday science with us during our summer reading program. Readers of all ages will explore science topics this summer as the West Side Library presents “Fizz, Boom, Read!” during our summer reading program. Activities may include science experiments, robot building, grossology fun, nature explorations, and more. We’ll kick off the program on Wednesday, June 25th with registration, games, crafts, and summertime snacks. This kickoff will jump start six weeks of a fun-filled reading club with storytimes, programs, crafts, and more. Children who join the summer library program keep their minds active and enter school in the fall ready to learn and ready to succeed. Sign-up starts from June 25th onward and is geared for children from preschool age to those who are in the 5th grade.  We hope you will plan to  join us this summer for Fizz, Boom, Read! Stop in the library for more information and a schedule of events.


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