I was interested and pleased today to ready a review of audiobook Sandman Slim by Richard Kadrey on Boing Boing:
Last month I blogged about Richard Kadrey’s Sandman Slim, a glorious, gritty revenge novel from hell, tinged with Aleister Crowley, Tom Waits and Raymond Chandler. Sandman Slim, AKA Stark, is one of Los Angeles’s magicians, and 11 years ago, his fellow magicians sent him to hell because they were jealous of his power. He’s spent the past 11 years fighting in Hell’s gladiator pits and working as an assassin for one of Hell’s Dukes, but now he has escaped to Earth and is on a quest to hunt down and execute his betrayers.
It sounds terrific and I was pleased to be able to respond to the list of comments on how expensive the audiobook is, that many libraries provide it for free. Including ours!
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