We will be celebrating Halloween by offering two neat Halloween parties for children.
The West Branch will be celebrating On Wednesday, October 29th at 6:30 PM. This Halloween Party features a performance by Magic By George packed with fun-filled thrills & spooky magic. Dress in you Halloween costume and enjoy light refreshments after the show. All ages are welcome. Please call Sarah at 624-6560 for more information.
The Main Branch Children can celebrate with us on Thursday, October 30th at 6:00 PM. Children and parents should come in costume and we will be having our annual Halloween Parade! During the costume parade, we will be trick-or-treating through the library. Bring a bag for your goodies! Entertainment and refreshments will follow the parade. This year’s party marks the return of Toe Jam Puppet Band. Come trick or treat with Toe Jam’s all original Halloween songs & puppets. You may ask, ‘What Can I be for Halloween?’ ..well…Toe Jam will dress up the kids in kooky Halloween gear and dance some spooky dances like ‘Do the Frankie! (as in Frankenstein). The show is full of Toe Jammy Monsters and silly string too. Boo to You! All ages are welcome. For more information, please call 624-6550 ext. 328
manchlibrary // Oct 28, 2014 at 12:20 am
Halloween Happenings! http://t.co/8wMdhD5qzT
GraniteStMoms // Oct 28, 2014 at 12:44 am
RT @manchlibrary: Halloween Happenings! http://t.co/8wMdhD5qzT