Manchester City Library

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Barnes & Noble Bookfair! Save the date!

June 9th, 2015 · No Comments · Books, City Library, Events, News, NH Room, Teens, Trustees

untitledWe are pleased to announce that we have partnered with the Barnes & Noble Bookstore to “host” a bookfair benefiting the restoration of the West Branch Library.  Simply visit the Barnes & Noble bookstore at 1741 South Willow Street between June 18th -20th. Prior to making your purchases please mention the West Library and a portion of each purchase goes to give the library a Barnes & Noble gift card enabling us to purchase more books.  Titles will be available for purchase to replace books that were damaged in the flood.  Come meet some of New Hampshire’s finest authors and spend some money for a worthy cause!

(Can’t attend our bookfair at Barnes & Noble? Visit to support us online from June 18th-25th by entering Bookfair ID #11596343 at checkout.)

See you at the bookfair!


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