Manchester City Library

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Every Hero Has a Story!

June 1st, 2015 · 1 Comment · Ages 0-2, Ages 2-3, Ages 4-5, Ages 6-13, Children, City Library, Events, Grades 3-5, Grades K-2, Main Branch, Summer Reading Program



Be our hero and join us for our annual summer reading program.  This year’s theme is “Every Hero has a Story” and will run from June 22nd through August 15th!  You guessed it! We need young readers of superhuman character and strength to help us light the Bat Signal!  Sign up starts today (June 1st) and our goal is to read at least 3000 books.

Here are some highlights we are offering for this year’s reading program that you won’t want to miss!

Touch a Truck: A special kick off event on Saturday June 20th from 10-12 PM in the Harnett Lot.

Super Hero Academy (for grades 2-5): Wednesdays at 2:30 on June 24th, July 22nd, and August 1st.

Lego Lab (for ages 3-12): on Fridays at 2:30.

Science Afternoons (for grades 1-5): on Wednesdays at 2:30 on June 24th, July 22nd, and August 12th.

Craft Afternoons (for grades Pre-k to grade 5): every Tuesday at 2:30.

We have many more fun events planned including story times, book sharing times and our Family Fare summer events, and a summer reading program finale featuring the players from the Majestic Theatre.  For more information (and the secret location of the Hall of Justice summer camp) please call our heroes in the children’s room at 624-6550 Ext. 328. Every hero has a story and we want to hear yours!

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