Whether you call them downloadable audiobooks, audio eBooks, or eAudios, we’ve got them! In addition to our selection in OverDrive, we are offering audiobooks through 3M. If you already listen to audiobooks from OverDrive, you now have another platform to find the bestsellers. 3M is completely integrated into the catalog, which means no going to another site, or you can search and download directly from the app on your device. Also, GMILCS is a smaller consortium than the NH Downloadable Books Consortium, so hold lists should be shorter for titles such as Girl on the Train, 14th Deadly Sin, and The Wright Brothers.
Granted, since this is a brand new collection, our list of titles is still small. We’re focusing on fiction and nonfiction bestsellers, and will be purchasing titles each week. If these audiobooks circulate well, we hope to continue the service. Those of you familiar with our 3M ebooks know how easy 3M is to use, so give it a try and let us know what you think! Click here to browse a list of titles.
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