Manchester City Library

Manchester, NH's Online Library

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West Branch Library Update

August 12th, 2015 · 5 Comments · City Library, Foundation, News, Teens, Trustees

We are sorry for the length of time the branch has been closed but we wanted to make sure we did things right and we now have good news to share! The insurance claim is completed so that we will have the funds to repair the damages and replace the furnishings and materials that we lost. However our biggest and most exciting news is that the Board of Mayor and Aldermen have supported additional funds to address other maintenance issues the branch needs to improve the building’s infrastructure.

This means we will be installing a new modern fire alarm and sprinkler system, a new heating and cooling system (no more window AC units!), some new exterior doors and windows, upgrading security related issues and painting the interior to be more cohesive. All of these changes will take time but we will make the branch shine for our library users!

We will continue to keep you posted on the progress as this project begins and we thank you all for the support as we improve the branch for our community to utilize!

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5 Comments so far ↓

  • west side user

    why is it taking such a long time??

  • Yvonne

    Dear West Side User,
    The insurance claim was over $500,000 and the city finally settled on the final claim amount last week with the Insurance Company. Without funds we could not pay for any work to begin. The city also bonded additional funds to address building maintenance issues this past month so that the whole project can begin this fall. Now that funding has been achieved we can begin the process of upgrading and repairing the branch for you!

    Denise M. van Zanten
    Library Director
    Manchester City Library
    405 Pine Street
    Manchester, NH 03104
    603-624-6550 X329

  • S. Snow

    I am so looking forward to the West Branch reopening. I have missed it and the wonderful amazing staff that they have. I have alot of hardcover adult books that would like to donate fir the shelves.

  • S. Snow

    For the shelves. Is there a way i can see if this is something you would be interested in. Thanks

  • Yvonne

    Dear Suzan,
    We are always willing to take donations and thank you for thinking of us. If you want to donate them please bring them into the children’s room entrance and leave them on the ledge inside the glass entryway. Whatever donations that we do not add to the collections are sold in the library book sale, so please be aware of that possibility. Thank you again for your support and patience.
    Yvonne Loomis
    Reference Librarian