Good stories never die, they evolve from teller to teller. New England has a rich and ongoing storytelling tradition from folklore to Bert and I to stories about your family, your life, or the town you live in. On Thursday, April 15 at 7 p.m., humorist Rebecca Rule will prime the pump with stories she’s collected at small-town gatherings, often at historical societies and libraries, over the last ten years, plus a classic or two. Our discussion will be the stories that listeners offer up, and as one story leads to another — humorous, serious, thought-provoking, or just plain entertaining — we practice and preserve our stories and tradition. And laugh, a lot.
Rebecca Rule tells and gathers stories in New England, especially New Hampshire. Her books include The Best Revenge: Short Stories; Could Have Been Worse: Stories, Embellishments, and Outright Lies; and a new book Live Free and Eat Pie: A Storyteller’s Guide to New Hampshire. She hosts the New Hampshire Authors Series on NH Public Television.
This program is made possible by a grant from the NH Humanities Council. Call Steve Viggiano at 624-6550 x 323 for more information.
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