It’s time for our annual Halloween Party! Children and parents should come in costume. Entertainment and refreshments will follow the parade. This year’s party marks the return of Toe Jam Puppet Band. Come trick or treat with Toe Jam’s all original Halloween songs & puppets. You may ask, ‘What Can I Be For Halloween?”..well… Toe Jam will dress up the kids in the kooky Halloween gear and dance some spooky dances like ‘Do the Frankie!” (as in Frankenstein) The show is full of Toe Jammy Monsters and silly string too. Boo to You! Plan to join us on Thursday evening (October 29th) at 6 PM. All ages are welcome and space is limited so arrive early! For more information, please call the Children’s Room at 624-6550 ext. 328.
Halloween Trick or Treating in Manchester is scheduled to take place on Saturday, October 31, from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. For all other towns please follow this link to a list of N.H. towns holding trick-or treating.
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