Manchester City Library

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Spring Book Sale!

April 1st, 2016 · No Comments · Book Sale, Books, Children, City Library, Events, Foundation, Main Branch, News, Newsletter, Teens, Trustees


Just like the freshness of the new season, we have many, many new offerings at this Spring’ s $10 Bag Book Sale on April 9th.   The sale will take place from 10:00  AM to 1:00 PM in the Winchell Room on the lower level of Manchester City Library.

Bring empty average size grocery bags (cloth or paper) and choose from the over 10,000 materials available.  They are a mixture of donated materials and items being weeded from the library collection.  There are fiction and non-fiction books for all ages and interests, including large print books.  In addition, there are DVDs, audio CDs, music CDs, 33 1/3 long playing records and individually priced prints.  Special to this sale will be a large collection of older musical scores

Check it out, you just don’t know what special treasure you will find!

If there are any questions about the sale, Eileen Reddy can be contacted by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 624-6550 ext. 320 (Information Desk).

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