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The Mystery of September 11 and the State Lotteries

October 13th, 2016 · No Comments · Books, Events, Local Author Series, News


Harold Rosen, provides compelling new evidence from many state lotteries that reveals obvious and suspicious patterns. And quite surprisingly those results show a direct relationship to September 11, 2001. In this book, he tells the true story how his volunteer work with law enforcement civic groups developed into a more disturbing reality. Further research confirmed an interconnectivity between tragic events and many state lotteries: aviation accidents, mass transit crimes, the movie industry, and much more. It is Mr. Rosen’s patriotism and strong moral beliefs that impels him to seek justice not for him alone but for all the innocent people who were victims from those attacks. And it is his foremost priority to bring this story to the forefront and to initiate a formal investigation so all states will have “fair and honest” lottery games.  Join us on October 17th at 7 PM in the Winchell Room, when Harold will here to talk about his book and copies may be purchased online.  For more information contact Mary Gallant at 624-6550 ext. 3311.

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