Most people are so busy with the day to day job of living that they don’t have time to acquire the financial education necessary to secure a wealthy and prosperous future. SOFA is a 501c3 non- profit, educational speaker’s bureau, comprised of various professionals (financial, tax, real estate, mortgage, wellness, and estate planning) to provide overall financial education to various individuals and organizations. Through workshops and seminars, SOFA introduces keys to a successful and wealthy future. We’re offering two time slots for thisĀ program. Join us on Tuesday, June 20th at 2:30 & 6:30 PM Main Library, George and Steve Pessotti, local retirement planners and guest speakers from SOFA (the Society for Financial Awareness), will present an educational workshop on advanced retirement planning strategies. For more information please call Mary G. at 624-6550 ext 3311.
SOFA Retirement Planning Strategies
June 8th, 2017 · No Comments · Books, City Library, Events, Main Branch, News, Newsletter, Trustees
Tags: manchester·Manchester City Library·N.H.·new hampshire·retirement planners·retirement strategies·SOFA
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