Manchester City Library

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¿Como se dice….?

September 18th, 2017 · No Comments · Books, City Library, Main Branch, News, Teens

Why would you want to learn another language? Well, here are a few reasons.

Are you planning a trip to another country? You may want to know how to ask “Where are the toilets? Where is there an ATM?” Host countries appreciate it when you make an effort to greet and thank them in their own language.

Being fluent in a second language may help you in your current job or a future job.

You will discover new cultures and make new friends.

You will increase your brain power and keep you mind active.

And, my favorite, you will know what ingredients are in a dish when visiting an ethnic restaurant.

Did you know your library has all you need to start learning a new language?  Once you have decided what language you wish to study, you will want to learn about Transparent Language, an electronic resource that you may use here in the library, on your home computer, or your mobile device at the beach. All you need is your up-to-date library card and an internet-connected device. It is really that simple. Choose from 100 languages, Afrikaans to Zulu, and learn to speak, read, and write at your own pace.

Use our dictionaries and phrasebooks as well as fiction and nonfiction books from the foreign language collection to practice your newly acquired language. A few titles from our foreign language collection are listed below.

La cocina cubana de Vero

DinoPark : Roman Histoire de la peinture

Bonne chance!

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