Manchester City Library

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A Sampler of Stitches

April 14th, 2018 · No Comments · Art Room, Books, City Library, Main Branch, Teens, Trustees

The telephone call would often go something like this.

“I found these new colors of embroidery floss at the store. I thought you might like a few for your stash, but I couldn’t remember. What are you working on now?”

That was always a good question. You see, when I was growing up my mother and grandmothers made sure that I learned all sorts of “handiwork” in hopes that this learning would set me in good stead for my future as a homemaker. This education ranged from knitting, crocheting, wool rug braiding, latch hooking, sewing, embroidery, wreath making, candle making and stained glass working. Some of these crafts were embraced and enjoyed much more freely than others were.  To my family’s credit, I did manage to learn a lot and to enjoy a few of those crafts that they wanted to teach me.  Usually the larger of these projects had the added frantic and urgent necessity for completion in order to meet the deadline for a 4-H exhibit at the local fair. I’m sure you can imagine!

My question to you all is, “What are you working on?” Are you making jewelry, water color painting, sewing a dress, carving wooden toys, knitting a scarf or learning to play a musical instrument? I’d love to hear about your craft projects and where you get your inspirations from. Speaking of which, we are always adding new arts & crafts books here in the Art Room at the Manchester City Library.  Stop on by and take a look or make a suggestion.  Put away your tablets and cell phones and enjoy the satisfaction of creating something with your hands. Maybe you’ll find your next new hobby or spot something to peak your interest and curiosity as you explore in the library. We have an featured in the Art Room display case in the upper hallway this month.  And if you do come by, don’t forget, we’d love to chat with you about what you’re working on.

See you at the library.


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