Manchester City Library

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Libraries Lead

March 28th, 2018 · No Comments · Books, Children, City Library, E-Books, Events, Foundation, Main Branch, National Library Week, News, Newsletter, Teens, Trustees

Since 1958, during the second full week of April, the U.S. has celebrated National Library Week.  This year’s honorary chair is ballet dancer, author and illustrator Misty Copeland.  Ms. Copeland is the principal dancer at the American Ballet Theatre, and the first African American woman to be promoted to that position.  She has served as the National Youth of the Year Ambassador for the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, as well as the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition under President Obama.

This year’s theme is “Libraries Lead.” Instead of talking about how libraries lead or what we do, let’s talk about what you can do: for yourself, your family, and your community. The library is here for you. The library staff—some of whom you can learn more about in librarian Sue Harmon’s display in the library rotunda—is here for you. The library is, at its best, all about you.  Isn’t that nice to hear for a change?

So, how can your library help you lead yourself?  There’s another display in the library rotunda—opposite Sue’s library staff display—featuring materials on topics you might not have thought about your library offering.  Looking for a new job? Want to study a new language? Planning a vacation or a business trip? Or maybe you’re trying to become a U.S. Citizen, or start a home improvement project. The library has tools you can use. Some are books you can check out or study during your visit. Some are resources you can use from home with your computer or on the go with your smart phone.  Ask a librarian at the information desk for more details, and don’t be afraid to take a book from the displays. We can always re-fill it!


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