Manchester City Library

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The 2020 Census is Almost Here

March 10th, 2020 · No Comments · City Library, Events, Main Branch, News

Every 10 years, as required by the U.S. Constitution, the Census Bureau takes a nationwide population count.  The upcoming census is important because it will determine the distribution of over $675 billion to communities over the next 10 years.   These counts will determine things like the numbers of school lunches for children and will also determine congressional and legislative boundaries.  In short, the population of an area determines how much money it gets, so make sure you fill out your census! 

Invitations to fill out the census will be sent out between March 12thand March 20th.  Census takers will try to contact citizens a second time and if they haven’t heard from you by May, a census taker will visit.   Every effort will also be made to count people who are homeless as census workers visit shelters and parks.   Every area will be visited including racetracks, marinas and even the circus!  Finally, a mobile response van will be sent to areas with a low response rate. 

Where does your local library come in?  You can respond by phone or by mail but for the first time, you can fill out the 2020 Census online! One quarter of households don’t have internet access; therefore, the Manchester City Library is ready to assist you.  Informational links such as the Census website, frequently asked questions, and the Census phone number will be posted at our public computers.  Please note that librarians can help you get to the website, but cannot help you answer the questions.  However, don’t worry!  The census is only 10 questions and should only take 10-15 minutes.  See the handy links below to help you get started. 

Happy census season, everyone!

2020 Census Website

Guide to the 2020 Census (PDF)

How To Answer Census Questions Step by Step

Sample Census in English for Viewing only (PDF) – Don’t fill out.

Sample Census in Spanish for Viewing only (PDF) – Don’t fill out.

Who Counts in my Household?

Avoiding Fraud and Scams

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