Manchester City Library

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Bee a Hero – Take the Census

August 1st, 2020 · No Comments · City Library, Government Documents, Main Branch, News

Why are census results so important?  Why should you fill out your census?

Census results help determine how billions of dollars in federal funding flow into states and communities each year. Census results also determine how many seats in Congress each state gets.  My favorite is that census results determine how many school lunches get dispersed.

It’s that important!

Several helpful events will be held right here in Manchester all this week (July 27 through August 2) at the following locations:

  • Centro Latino
  • Ben and Jerry’s
  • St. Augustin Parish
  • YWCA
  • ORIS Fresh Start Market
  • Manchester School District food box
  • Price Rite/Family Dollar
  • Embassy Laundromat
  • The Bridge Café

Please stop in to one of the locations above any time this week to have a representative with their tablet or on your own device help you fill out your Census.  Ready to take the census now? You can go here or here to take the census online and immediately help your community.  It doesn’t take that long and yes, It’s that important. 

Don’t have a computer and still want to be a hero?  Respond by phone.

The goal is to have more responses before the friendly Census folks come knocking at your door starting mid-August to October.

 ¡Responda Ahora!

If any organization or business would like to host a Census2020 a Census event after August 2 through September please contact Charles Nettleship

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