Manchester City Library

Manchester, NH's Online Library

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Happy Halloween!

October 20th, 2020 · No Comments · City Library, Main Branch

Happy Halloween! Halloween might be different this year from years past. I have wonderful memories of Trick or Treating when I was younger. I remembered my grandmother making my sisters and I, our own “poodle” skirt. My skirt was unique, instead of having a poodle on it, my grandmother put a moose on it. Years later, my mom made me a Kit Kat bar costume out of poster board. We still having these costumes, as they hold precious memories. The library has many different materials to create your own Halloween celebration at home. Check-out the Halloween display at the library for party and costume ideas, music, stories, and more. Visit Hoopla, and check-out the selection. Have a safe and Happy Halloween! Susanna- Library Staff.

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