Manchester City Library

Manchester, NH's Online Library

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Introduction to Microsoft Word

February 20th, 2021 · 2 Comments · City Library, Computer Classes, Events, Main Branch, Virtual Programs

Computer Classes are back! Virtually!

This easy, relaxed class will be 30-45 minutes. Participants will learn 5-8 basic tasks in the time allotted, and will be able to see the instructor’s screen to follow along. Questions will be taken via chat as all tasks are demonstrated.

For questions, call Amy H. at 603-624-6550 x3320 or email [email protected]

Signup for this program is required! You can sign up through our Library Calendar and receive a link to the zoom event after registration. You will also be emailed the class handout which you can use during the class or for practice after the class.

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2 Comments so far ↓

  • Virginia Wentworth

    On what dates is this class offered? What other computer classes are available?

  • Yvonne

    Hello Virginia,

    This class is on April 20th at 6 PM via Zoom. We are in the process of getting “back into the saddle” because of the COVID pandemic, so this is the first and only computer class scheduled so far, but we’re working on future programming. We’re happy you are interested! Please watch our library calendar for future computer classes.
    Thanks and have a fine day.

    Yvonne Loomis
    I/T Librarian