You will not believe what we have gotten ourselves into. Actually, I’m just getting to know you, so maybe you have a giant imagination. Goodness, you are a Manchester City Library user.
What am I saying?
I’ve seen the books we keep in there and if you frequent that establishment, you have an imagination.
Who are we? Who am I? Well, we are the Manchester City Library Foundation Board and I am one of the newest members. We raise money for projects at the library to give you resources, books, programs, improved spaces… We use our imaginations to see ourselves as little fairy Oprah’s singing around the place,

“YOU get a book, YOU get a new desk, THIS room gets new computers, WE get new programs…”
Back to our latest project we’ve gotten ourselves into:

We want to raise even more money. COVID has put a huge strain on our community and there are even more friends that need the resources we offer at the library to help their families.
To do that, we need your help. This is going to take a village. Will you help us?
I’m going to ask you to read.
We are going to have a 24 Hour Remote Read-A-Thon on April 7th. We will need silent readers on camera for the full 24 hours. Stay tuned to this blog for the next post with more details on how you can join us.
If you want details faster, following the Foundation’s Facebook page is a good way to do that. You can also sign up for our mailing list.
With Science and Love,
Amber Nicole Cannan

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