When I was a kid in northeast Ohio, I used to love biking on my sting ray with the flowered basket. I’d ride around with my boyfriend over to the school yard and play four square or we’d ride to the park or his house to play basketball. Then I got a used yellow 10 speed for Christmas one year, so I could take longer rides. I’d ride a mile or so to where I went swimming every summer, going down the long steep hill and over the bridge, and taking in a great view of Lake Erie before heading to the pool. On the weekends, I might get lucky and my parents would drive to the pool to retrieve me and my bike. This saved me the ride back up that long hill after all of that hard work all day swimming, hunting for minnows and gar fish, eating creamsicles and ice cream sandwiches. Oh yeah and washing it all down with a requested concoction of coke, orange crush, and root beer. Remember the days when you could ingest literally anything? Life was good.
I’ve had some great times biking with friends in New Hampshire, too. Lake Massabesic, Tower Pond, and the Goffstown Rail Trail are enjoyable rides which are close to home. Now that warmer weather is finally here, it’s time to get out there, relive those great memories and make some new ones. Check out the display in the Rotunda for information on general bike safety, bike maintenance, and great bike trails around the state. Also, feel free to stop by the Information/Technology Desk in the Rotunda for your free bike light.
Per bikeleague.org, Bike to Work Week this year is May 17-23 with Bike to Work Day being Friday, May 21. Go to #bikemonth for more information.
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