Manchester City Library

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New Hampshire Cemeteries and Gravestones

August 17th, 2021 · No Comments · City Library, Events, Main Branch

The Manchester City Library invites you to an informative program on Cemeteries and Gravestones on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, at 7pm EST via Zoom.

Rubbings, photographs, and slides illustrate the rich variety of gravestones to be found in our own neighborhoods, but they also tell long-forgotten stories of such historical events as the Great Awakening, the Throat Distemper epidemic, and the American Revolution. Find out more about these deeply personal works of art and the craftsmen who carved them with Glenn Knoblock, and learn how to read the stone “pages” that give insight into the vast genealogical book of New Hampshire.  

Glenn Knoblock is an independent scholar and author of fifteen books and over 100 articles. He is also the author and historian on projects relating to Northern New England bridges, New Hampshire cemeteries, brewing history, and African-American military history. Knoblock has served as the main military contributor to Harvard and Oxford University’s landmark African-American Biography Project. He holds a BA in History from Bowling Green State University.

This program is sponsored by New Hampshire Humanities.

For questions, call Caitlin at 603-624-6550 x3320 or email [email protected].

Signup for this program is not required, but if you’d like a reminder email, you can sign up through our library calendar! You’ll also receive an email with the Zoom meeting link! Visit and click on “Upcoming Events” to view the library calendar. Click here to be taken directly to the event, or copy and paste the link below into your browser.

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