Join the Manchester City Library and the NH Audubon Society for the final part of a 5-part series on Peregrine Falcons! This All-Ages program is ideal for anyone interested in falcons, and Manchester’s own nesting pair. Join via Zoom on Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 PM on June 21!
This final program recaps the banding procedure of the resident falcon chicks while discussing the integral role longitudinal wildlife monitoring plays in research and conservation. From butterflies to bald eagles, metal bands and digital tags allow us to track populations and recognize patterns over the lifespan of various bird species.
This webinar will conclude with ample time for questions and discussion and will present opportunities for interested folks to get involved in the amazing world of citizen science!
Materials to accompany this webinar can be found at the Concord Public Library, the Manchester City Library, and the NH Audubon’s Massabesic Center.
Follow along as we monitor the Manchester Peregrine Falcon pair at the following link:
For more events from the NH Audubon, visit their events calendar!
For questions, call Susan Harmon at 603-624-6550 x7620 or email [email protected]
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