The Manchester City Library, in partnership with the Rockport Library, invites you to a program about the history of the kitchen! This program will be held via Zoom on Monday, February 6 at 7pm. Come sink your teeth into a fascinating history of the heart of the house!
From the colonial period to the present, the kitchen has been a source of nourishment and comfort. The way Americans have lived with their kitchens has changed dramatically over the course of three centuries. Historic New England curator Nancy Carlisle will discuss how the American kitchen has evolved from the seventeenth-century to the present. Drawing on her book America’s Kitchens, co-authored with Melinda Narardinov, Ms. Carlisle will discuss the technological and social changes that have taken place in this room and suggest how these innovations have transformed kitchen work and changed women’s lives.
Nancy Carlisle is senior curator of collections for Historic New England. She has worked in museums for more than twenty years and received her master’s degree in early American culture from the Winterthur Museum and University of Delaware.
For questions, call Caitlin or Yvonne at 603-624-6550 x7620 or email [email protected]
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