Manchester City Library

Manchester, NH's Online Library

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What is Your Favorite Dinosaur?

May 2nd, 2023 · No Comments · Books, Children, City Library, Events, Library Displays, Main Branch

In recognition of National Dinosaur Day on May 17th and June 1st the Manchester City Library will be asking adult patrons to vote for their favorite dinosaur. Ballot boxes will be placed at the reference desks at both the Main and West branches from April 29th to July 1st, a poll will also be available on our Facebook page for those unable to come into the library. The top three most popular entries will be posted on our social media with fun facts about each one.

 If you want to learn more about your favorite dinosaur, or just dinosaurs in general check out the nonfiction display that will be up for the months of May and June, or check out the catalog to see what titles we have available. You’re never too old to have a favorite dinosaur so vote for yours, or check out a book and find a new favorite!

Caroline Cook author of “Tell Them To Be Quiet and Wait”

For more information contact Nic Young at 603-624-6550 ext. 7619 or e-mail [email protected]

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