Epic Fantasy and High Fantasy are terms that are often used interchangeably. High Fantasy takes places in an alternate world and typically includes a lot of magical elements, creatures, and systems. Epic fantasy is a sub-category of high fantasy that also includes a high-stakes plot, grand themes, and/or heroic characters. From Tolkien’s Middle-earth to Martin’s Westeros, epic fantasy weaves tales of good versus evil, with diverse characters and mythical creatures enhancing the enchanting landscapes.
While not a complete list, the books this month focus on some of the more recent Epic Fantasy books. Prepare to be enthralled by these timeless sagas that leave a lasting mark on our hearts and minds. Happy reading!
Jade Walker // Aug 18, 2023 at 12:42 pm
Is the widget showing the recommendations having technical difficulties? It’s not showing.
Sue H. // Aug 18, 2023 at 1:32 pm
Hi Jade! Thanks for letting us know! I’ve updated the blog post, but it could take a bit for the widget to show up. Until it does, you can follow this link: https://collections.library.link/services/lister/?domain=http://link.manchesterlibrary.org/&list=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GMILCS/MCL/master/Aug_2023_Epic_Fantasy.json