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Let’s Celebrate Classical Music Month

September 23rd, 2023 · No Comments · Books, Children, City Library, Main Branch, Music Room, News, Teens

Photo Courtesy of Pixabay

September is Classical Music Month, and it is amazing to consider how much music has evolved over time. Classical music ranges across several periods, each with their unique style of musical composition. With the focus more on orchestral melody, classical music is definitely different from today’s music. But without its influence, modern music as we know it wouldn’t have existed.

Music is a powerful medium, expressing emotion and touching hearts unlike anything else. Famous musicians like Mozart, Beethoven, Hayden, Stravinsky and Listz are some of the legendary composers who gifted us classical music. This wide-ranging genre uses multiple instruments for playing a single melody, giving a powerful sound that has transcended over time.

The five periods of classical music are divided into:

  1. Medieval
  2. Renaissance 
  3. Baroque
  4. Classical
  5. Romantic 

Did you know that with more than 1,100 works, Johann Sebastian Bach is considered the father of classical music?

It is important to celebrate Classical Music Month to preserve the legacies of great musicians and introduce this genre to new audiences. Whether it is rock, jazz, or country music, the inspiration and roots will always be connected to classical music somehow.

Here at the Manchester City Library, we have a fine collection of classical music CDs on hand for you to check out and enjoy. And when you visit, you’ll also find music scores, books on music theory, biographies of musicians, as well as books on learning how to play musical instruments.

See you in the Music Room!

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