Beading is a hobby that has been enjoyed by many for generations. The art of creating and utilizing beads is ancient. For example, ostrich shell beads discovered in Africa can be carbon-dated to 10,000 BC. Faience beads, a type of ceramic bead created by mixing powdered clays, lime, soda, and silica sand with water until a paste forms, then molding it around a stick or straw and firing until hard, were notably used in ancient Egyptian jewelry from the First Dynasty (beginning in the early Bronze Age) onward. Faience and other ceramic beads with quartz coatings predate pure glass beads.
Beads and works created with them have been found all across the ancient world, most often made of locally available materials. For example, the Athabaskan peoples of Alaska used tusk shells from scaphopod mollusks, which are naturally hollow, as beads and incorporated them into elaborate jewelry. Beadwork has historically been used for religious purposes, as good luck talismans, for barter and trade, for ritual and religious purposes and decorations of all sorts.
Our December Adult Take & Make Craft Kit will feature a small and easy beading project whereby we will be making a Christmas Spider to add to our holiday decorating fun. Plus, we get to learn about the interesting legend of the Christmas Spider.
For more information and inspiration about beading and beadwork, be sure to check out our beading display on the second floor near the Art & Music Room. We hope that you will join us in discovering the joy of beading! Happy crafting!
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