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Sci-Fi/Fantasy Recommendations for September

September 10th, 2024 · No Comments · Books, City Library, Library Displays, Main Branch

Why do we love vampires? Is it their mysterious and intriguing nature? The romanticization of death? The ability to explore complex themes like power, trauma, fear of rejection, and immortality? We love them as the villains, the protagonists, the love interests; the thousand-year-old entity, and the bumbling newly-turned baby; the myths, the legends, and the terrors.

Personally, I’ve always preferred stories of werewolves more, but I do occasionally like a Vampire story. The True Blood series by Charlaine Harris kept me very entertained, and there are a couple books about Vampires in Space on this list that sound very interesting!

Whatever your reason to love vampires, you’ll find something to enjoy in this list of Vampire fiction!

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