Manchester City Library will present a basic Introduction to the Internet class on February 2, 2011, from 2:30 to 4:00 PM. It will take place in the Winchell Room, on the lower level of the library, at 405 Pine Street.
The class will cover basic terminology of the Internet, a basic visual demonstration of the Internet, basic search techniques to use for searching the Internet and a basic introduction to web based e-mail accounts.
There is a limited amount of seats available for this class, therefore you need to register as soon as possible to reserve a seat. Laptops will be provided by the library for the class period. You may register by calling 624-6550 ext. 320, the Reference Desk, or through the calendar on the library’s website. You need to click on Upcoming Events on the library’s homepage to open up the calendar, to register for the February 2nd event.
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