Manchester City Library

Manchester, NH's Online Library

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$5 Bag Book Sale – Sept 10

September 4th, 2011 · 4 Comments · Books, Events, Main Branch

Manchester City Library will have a $5 Bag Book Sale on September 10th (Saturday), from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM. It will take place in the Winchell Room, on the lower level of Manchester City Library, at 405 Pine Street.

Bring your own bags, cloth or paper, and fill them with the thousands of possible new treasures. As you leave the Winchell Room, you will pay $5 for each bag that has materials from the sale. We have lots and lots of items to choose from, both weeded items from the collection and donated items. Fiction and non-fiction books for all ages, including large print. There are also VHS tapes, audio books (mostly cassette), music materials and other odds and ends.

Please be aware that Manchester City Library has new hours on Saturday. They are 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM.

If you have questions, please contact Eileen A. Reddy at [email protected] or at 624-6550 ext. 320 (Information Desk).

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4 Comments so far ↓

  • Fall Book Sale at the Library | goodgood manchester

    […] Manchester City Library will have a $5 Bag Book Sale from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m, Saturday, Sept. 10. It will take place in the Winchell Room, on the lower level of the library at 405 Pine St. […]

  • Yvonne Loomis

    Dear Goodgood Manchester,

    Thank you very much for the mention! It is greatly appreciated!

  • Charlie

    Sorry I missed it. Looking forward to the next one.

  • Yvonne Loomis

    Dear Charlie,
    Well we missed you! Be sure to come to the next book sale in January 2012. The date is not set yet, since it is still in the planning phase. Be sure to check back in early January!
    ~Yvonne Loomis~