It feels like you are going back in time, when looking at the microfilm of newspapers from way back. What did Manchester and New Hampshire look like over a century ago? We have the Union Leader on microfilm from 1863 (state edition) and 1912 (city edition). Looking at the old ads, it is neat seeing what was all the rage back in the older days and what the cost of items were back in those days. You can also follow the old comic strip heroes, as their adventures played out from day to day or week to week.
One hundred years ago, the super ship Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean and one hundred and fifty years ago, the American Civil War was being fought. We have the New York Times on microfilm from as early as 1851. You can follow the unfolding events, day by day, as they were reported.
The microfilm is arranged in chronological order. There is an on-line subscription database index for the Union Leader from 1989 to 2012, using either the e-source tab in the Manchester City Library Catalog or through the database link on the library’s homepage. Please note, if you use this index from your home computer; you will need your up to date Manchester City Library card number and pin number.
In the Periodicals Room, where the Union Leader microfilm and New York Times microfilm are located, there are several New York Times Index volumes. The Boston Globe microfilm from late 2000 is also located in the Periodicals Room. Just stop at the Information Desk for help with the microfilm.
The New Hampshire Room has microfilm from different papers of Manchester’s history, including the Manchester Daily Mirror and L’Avenir National (French language). The New Hampshire Room has limited hours, you can contact the library at 624-6550 to see what hours the New Hampshire Room is open or to make an appointment to use the room.
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